Alfred Nobel Laboratory:
This is the entrance of Alfred Nobel's lab, "perpendicular marble columns" on the pathway represent the baulk which discourage us on the way to succeed. This image also shows the customer texture on the columns. As Alfred Nobel said he got thousands ideas but only some of them works he is glad. I means there are many bafflement discourage us to succeed,the column turns out to be the initial blockade on the pathway.
This is a major component of Alfred Nobel's lab. It is consist of space stew randomly by overlaying and playful arranging the grids.This image reveal the idea of "a thousand ideas and only one turns out to be good", because there are many of possible pathway, but only few of them can go though this building and reach the lab. 
Inside the Alfred Nobel's lab, this image show the inner construction of the lab. the walls stop the player go though the building easily and we can see the lab indistinctly.

Finally, we reach Alfred Nobel's lab, but there still have the stairs block our way. This is the close view of Alfred Nobel's lab,the labs located in the middle of the stair cases which represents that we still have to push much more effort before we succeed. further more, while I was doing the research I found that obstruct Alfred Nobel prefers to work in a very small room when he is doing the research about the invention. Therefore I tend to make the lab relatively smaller than Jacques Yves Cousteau's lab.and transparent window allow the client to have a better view of the outside world. I place the lab at the very end of the created environment because I wanna make Alfred Nobel have a broaden horizon when he look though the window wall. If he have a brod vision his invention won't be so debatable.

looking back from the stair case of Alfred Nobel's lab which give us the overview of the whole environment. while he standing on the platform and looking back to the other side, may be he can get the inspiration form the environment.

The overview of Alfred Nobel's lab

image took on the porch of the meeting space.

Giving the over expression of floor texture.

The whole outside world.

The "cage" seems like the easiest way connect to Nobel's Lab, but it is a dead end.

Jacques Yves Cousteau's lab:

The front gate of Jacques Yves Cousteau's lab,we can just see the columns and stone walls block our vision and the colour of the entrance is red represent the idea of "the sea as never before"

The over view of JacquesYves Cousteau's lab, colourful lighting effects impressed us by the sense of beauty and mystery. The playful arrangment of working place and the place surrounded by the column wall have the meaning of protection. however, his working place located in those opened rectangle space which remind he the ecological system is never before. The reason why the lab located lower than the ground level, because Jacques Yves Cousteau used to live under the sea and do the research for a long time. The client might feel comfortable with the lower altitude.

Looking though the window of the meeting place.

From this image,we can see the texture working quite well with the theme.

looking though the window of meeting place 2

Looking though the window of the meeting place 3.
In the meeting place, both clients change see the lab of each other which is good for both of them to get the inspiration form each other's place and exchange their ideas.
This image give a closer view of the whole meeting space. The window wall give a wonderful view of the outside world.
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